Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tupac - Courageous or Confused

Edward’s notion that Tupac was courageous for putting himself outthere is correct. What made Tupac Tupac was the passion and emotion that he rapped with. In his song “Brenda’s Got a Baby” he portrays his compassion towards women who are brought up in urban areas and some struggles that come along with it. He was also very emotional and passionate in the song “Hit em Up”, in which he portrays his anger and passion through his battle song. He used this song to lyrically attack Biggy, which is why he used such derogatory words. When he talked to about women in “Brenda’s Got a baby” he was talking about women in general, where in “Hit em Up” he was talking about a specific person (Faith Hill).
-Mike Gannon

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