Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Generation

My generation is unlike any generation before. I don't think that there is any one characteristic that represents my generation as a whole. Unlike those before us, we don't have a singular defining moment or symbol that represents what we are. We are a diverse, colorful, and unique group of people. Of course there are many things that people associate with us. For older generations, it is loud music, poor manners, baggy clothing and the internet (which many people blame for all the negative things about "kids today"). But if you ask me, it's not that simple. Our generation is revolutionary. We are presented with so many opportunities that haven't existed until now. More of us are educated, we're more globally aware, and we have in our hands the ability to shape the future. You can't label us "beatniks" or "hippies", "baby boomers" or "gen x-ers". We are so much more than one all-encompassing title. My generation is strong, intelligent and ready to take over.

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