Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I would put my money on God if I had to bet on whether or not God existed. On the surface without any religious feelings I would put my money on God because if there were no God then there would be no ramifications for putting my money on God. But if I did not put my money on God and there turned out to be a God a am sure there would be some type of ramification. But on a spiritual level and on a level that I believe to be deeper than the superficial reasons formentionned; I would bet it all on God because of Humans and Humankind. Humans are capable of great things. These great things can be good but they can also be evil. Why we humans have that voice in our heads to keep us from being evil is some proof, but proof enough for me that there is a God. Otherwise, why would there be pain, why would there be pleasure? Why would anything matter if there were no God? Then all of those individuals who meant so mush to me and passed on, are gone forever. I refuse to believe that I will never see them again so I don't. I believe that there is a God because I need to, because it s what keeps me sane and it is my rock in this crazy world.
my religion, my beliefs, are always a work in progress.

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