Monday, September 24, 2007

Talkin Bout My Generation

I, along with many others, view my generation as being misguided in many ways. I feel this way because I don't see my generation as having proper or noteworthy role models. In growing up in urban Boston, I noticed how most of the youth around me were driven by, and in many ways, blinded by their desires to make it big. Their role models are celebrities, music artists, and sports players who know more about selling their souls for commercialism, than anything else. To emphasize this point, all you have to do is look at who in our society makes the big bucks. I think there is something seriously wrong when a basketball player (as much as I love the sport) makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year, while the educators of our youth barely make enough to support themselves and their families. And for this reason, the multi-millionaire athletes and musicians are the people that our generation look up to and idolize. When asked, more kids today will say that they want to grow up to be the next Allen Iverson or T.I., and not the next high school counselor. For this reason, I think our generation is misguided, and has the wrong impression of what true success is.
---Felicia Waldron

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